Sign up for Action Plan Webinars!

Thousands of stakeholders have participated in Connecting Credentials webinars to date! The e-conversations as part of the national dialogue generated a wealth of thinking and recommendations that informed the national summit and ultimately the work group developed action plan. The second series focused on the priority areas that emerged from the first round. Now that the action plan has been released, we are beginning the fall/winter series, which will focus on the seven action areas of the plan, the 25 recommendations in each and the 100 tangible steps that can be taken. To read the action plan, “From National Dialogue to Collection Action,” click here. 

We hope you will join us for the first two action plan webinars, register below!!

From National Dialogue to Collective Action: Overview and Building Block Example

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 

2:00-3:00 pm ET


The recently released Connecting Credentials Action plan recommends specific actions education practitioners, employers, policy makers and other stakeholders can take to develop an equitable, well-functioning and sustainable credentialing ecosystem. In such a system learners are at the center, high quality learning is rewarded, talent is optimized, employers are engaged and competencies function as transferable currency to support student mobility. The plan provides seven areas of potential engagement, principles to guide action in each area, specific recommendations and examples of critical work already underway in each of the areas of action. This webinar will introduce the plan, provide a platform where you participants can discuss the plan and it’s potential to support for your work. You will hear from the creators of the Beta Credentials Framework about how it is being used to aid in the transformation of the credentialing ecosystem.

From National Dialogue to Collective Action: What Role do Badges Play?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

1:00-2:30 pm ET


In 2015, Lumina Foundation and Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) joined forces to establish the Connecting Credentials initiative and call for a national dialogue on how to build a well-functioning and sustainable credentialing system. With input from over 100 sponsors and an additional 200 leaders representing more than 150 organizations, we have developed an action plan, outlining a shared vision of a 21st century credentialing system. This action plan has seven priorities areas, detailing where we are and where we are going with the new world of credentials. On this webinar, we will focus the role badges and micro-credentials play in all seven areas. Experts from the field will be discussing current practices, challenges ahead and new opportunities in the evolving credentialing marketplace.

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CSW Logo