The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® National Center 10-state project worked with teams of policymakers, two- and four-year faculty and state early childhood leaders in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia, and Wisconsin to improve articulation) in each state. The Early Childhood Articulation Compendium provides a summary of this journey, guiding principles, a framework for looking at early childhood articulation, state profiles and lots of other resources….
$2B to help articulate and build career pathways and navigation support systems. Managed by TAACCCT and funded by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Talent Pipeline Management – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is exploring an employer-led, complementary form of accreditation in higher education to help close the skills gap in America. This effort calls for stronger involvement of the employer community in the governance of existing accrediting agencies and for employers to develop a complementary system, led by the business community that recognizes and endorses programs based on their ability to prepare…
Initiative by U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF) that engages employers and partners across the country to develop a talent pipeline management with the goal of closing the skills gap.
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is working to implement the recommendations of its Task Force on Improving Career Readiness, which includes the recommendation that state education leaders “enlist the employer community as a lead partner in defining the pathways and skills most essential in today’s economy.” CCSSO is supporting a network of states as they develop cross-sectoral partnerships and establish these pathways. Managed and funded by CCSSO.
The Teamsters Military Assistance Program (TMAP) assists Active Duty Service members that are transitioning, Veterans and Military spouses with job opportunities with responsible employers. Currently TMAP is partnering with two employers: ABF Freight in the freight trucking industry and FirstGroup in the passenger transport industry. Managed and funded by the Teamsters Military Assistance Program.
TechHire is national initiative (as of August 2015 of 31 regional labor markets and 400+ employers) to better connect employers across multiple industries that need to hire and fill jobs in IT occupations to individuals who possess the skills and the motivation to be successful hires, but whose non-traditional pathways to acquiring those skills render them “invisible” to traditional recruiting processes in the IT field. Employers agree to hire (or…
Technical assistance academy for recipients of the US Department of Labor’s American Apprenticeship grant program. Managed by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices funded by the U.S. Department of Labor.