Current Term Enrollment Estimates published in December and May provide institutions and the education community with a view of current enrollment trends. StudentTracker enables secondary and postsecondary institutions, outreach organizations, States and other education organizations to understand student outcomes for their populations. Signature & Snapshot reports provide timely, national view of student educational pathways. Managed by the National Student Clearinghouse.
Every student in every program can pursue credit for prior learning (CPL). 50% of students graduate with some CPL with 4000 working on individual portfolios per year. Managed and funded by SUNY Empire State.
The Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP) provides a safe and supportive environment to work alongside peers to expand your pedagogical toolbox. Explore and reflect on innovative uses of emerging technology tools through self-paced, discovery activities. Managed and funded by SUNY Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP).
Working closely with employers, students, educators and government, synED identifies priorities, values and synergies of intention and technology that increase transparency and establish trusted communication between employers, job seekers and education providers. SynED provides solutions that help to assure that the complete needs of the workforce education ecosystem are recognized and addressed. Managed and funded by SynEd.
Established 7 MOU and data agreements with states and is working with numerous other governors’ offices on implementation of systems to measure degree quality and project education demand. Location: DC, Seattle, Indianapolis. Managed by the Georgetown University Center on Education & the Workforce and funded by the Gates, Lumina & Joyce Foundations.
In 2014, T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® (T.E.A.C.H.) raised $400 million public and private dollars to provide scholarships and other supports for professional development of early childhood teachers in 23 states and DC, supporting over 16,000 employees working with 8,110 different employers. Those working on two or four year degrees who completed 14 credit hours while working full time, saw an 8% wage gain and had turnover rates of 4-6 percent, which…