Purpose First initiative focuses on better aligning academic and career plans from the start of degree or credential program. It will include advising, use of relevant tools, connection to labor market information, inclusion of career guidance in the curriculum, and connections to employers for work-based learning opportunities. The GPS strategy also focuses on structuring programs to allow students to easily navigate via academic maps and default schedules, as well as…
This seven level framework addresses academic, professional, vocational and continued education. This tool assists in making a plan for lifelong learning.
Elizabeth Shuler Secretary – Treasurer AFL-CIO http://www.aflcio.org/About
Nancy Zimpher Chancellor State University of New York System http://www.suny.edu/
Elizabeth Shuler Secretary – Treasurer AFL-CIO http://www.aflcio.org/About
Elizabeth Shuler Secretary – Treasurer AFL-CIO http://www.aflcio.org/About
Byron Auguste Managing Director Opportunity@Work http://www.opportunityatwork.org/
This report examines the reasons by the disconnect in the American workforce. Employers, education entities training providers must work together to create a more synchronous environment.