National Aviation Consortium CertTEC Certification– This critical aviation certification, CertTEC Aviation Mechanical Assembly, is a comprehensive assessment of technician skills and knowledge in aviation manufacturing, such as drilling and riveting, sealing application, and electrical bonding and grounding. It is driven by a first-time partnership of major aviation manufacturers across the country, including Boeing, Spirit, and others, to fill an identified gap in the industry. The certification is closely aligned with…
The National Retail Services Initiative is a capacity building sistemic investment to build a sector wide competency model, create an interactive technology platform for working learners, learning providers, and employers and partner with employers to employ competency based hiring practices. Managed by the National Retail Services Initiative and funded by the ACT Foundation.
Examined what types of certification and degrees were valued in the industry and their perceived and quantified value. Survey managed by the the Manufacturing Institute and MAGNET (Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network) and funded by the Joyce Foundation.
K-12 Service Learning Standards for Quality Practice. Managed by National Youth Learning Council and funded by multiple foundations.
Building a statewide collaborative attainment goal (Cc’s, Governor’s office, etc). Managed by NC Tomorrow and funded by the State of North Carolina.
The National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) is the first exclusively online university to receive accreditation for its competency-based degree programs that lead to teacher licensure. Managed and funded by the Western Governors University’s Teachers College.
For too many youth in the South, high poverty schools and low postsecondary attainment, tenuous links with the labor market, the South’s historically low investment in human capital, and an overreliance on low-wage, low-skill jobs, translate into stalled upward economic mobility. The Network for Southern Economic Mobility is a group of Southern communities–Athens, Ga., Chattanooga, Tenn. Greenville, S.C., and Jacksonville, Fla. in the first cohort–committed to increasing upward economic mobility…
State Directors of Adult Education, Office of Workforce Opportunity, New England Literacy Resource Center are working together to deliver statewide employment and training services. Managed by the New Hampshire WIOA Implementation Partnership and funded by the public sector.