Conducts research to inform policy that promotes college access and success, especially for traditionally underserved students. Managed by Institute for Higher Education Policy and funded by the Gates and Lumina Foundations.
Supports that Matter in Workforce Development Programs, Emphasizes the importance of support systems for adult learner success. Managed and funded by Institute for Women’s Policy Research.
Works in regions across the Southeast to help workforce development systems respond to employer needs with a particular emphasis on providing opportunities for disconnected youth. Managed and funded by MDC.
Interactive Employability Skills Framework website is central clearinghouse of resources for policymakers, practitioners in education and workforce training, and others where they can identify employability skills and compare the skills identified by various instructional standards and assessments; understand key considerations for selecting an employability skills assessment; create a customized assessment comparison worksheet; and view practical examples of employability skills instruction and assessment. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education and…
Interstate Passport Initiative is developing the passport as a new framework for block transfer of lower-division general education based on learning outcomes and transfer-level proficiency criteria thereby improving graduation rates, shortening time to degree, and saving students money. Managed by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education and funded by the Gates & Lumina Foundations.
Interstate transfer capacity building, a national system through which institutions can easily and successfully communicate course, grade and credit information while respecting student privacy in order to award degrees when appropriate. Managed by the National Student Clearninghouse and funded by the Lumina Foundation.
This report discusses the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and the inclusion of non-first time and part-time students. Managed by the Adult College Completion Network and funded by the Lumina Foundation.
Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) accredits clean energy training providers and certifies instructors and master trainers nationally. IREC is currently piloting two new stackable micro-credentials that would be renewed and upgraded over time using a streamlined validation process to lower costs, and provide value in the marketplace. Managed and funded by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council.