This report outlines the types of credentials available and their weighted value. This includes credit and not for credit.
Georgetown University Center on Education provides most widely utilized projections of employer demand for educational degrees and certificates, nationwide and for individual states. The Center’s projections are used by employer associations to gauge hiring demand and used by state postsecondary systems to create credentialing goals. Managed by Georgetown University Center on Education and funded by Gates, Lumina and Joyce Foundations.
Statewide transferability policy, technical colleges must offer tech certificates and diplomas that stack to associate degrees in the same area. Managed and funded by the Georgia State Board of Technical and Adult Education.
The Get Skills to Work initiative matches military veterans with jobs in advanced manufacturing through a virtual Military Manufacturing Badge, which pulls up the veteran’s Military Occupational Specialty code (MOS) and information on civilian manufacturing skills the veteran demonstrated in the military; and accelerated training customized to manufacturing careers. Managed and funded by the Manufacturing Institute, GE, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Alcoa, other partners.
Hubs for independent contractors, Driving/managing the gig economy. Managed and funded by GitHub, DevEx, Behance.
This report examines what barriers are in place preventing job seekers fr om finding gainful employment. It also takes a look at competencies as a means of showing what one knows.
This piece explores the impact of frameworks abroad and the common criteria that go into them.
Global Learning Qualifications Framework — assists students to document their verifiable college/university-level learning for academic credit and to provide an academic framework to evaluate student learning. Managed by SUNY Empire State College and managed by the Lumina Foundation.