Quality Principles and Standards for Competency-Based Programs. Managed and funded by Competency Based Education Network (C-BEN).
The mission of the Competency-Based Education Consortium (CBEC) is to share lessons-learned and best practices from the field in competency-based education (CBE), thus enabling post-secondary institutions to leverage CBE, paving a path from recruitment to mastery and, ultimately, employability. Managed by the Institute for Competency-Based Education and funded by the Perkins State Leadership Grant.
ACE is engaging employer voice in defining a national quality framework for competency-based education for signaling competencies gained through competency-based education. From this process ACE will develop a contextual framework for how academia can relay competency attainment to employers and what is needed in the assessment of competencies for employers to consider the evaluation of competencies credible. Managed by ACE and funded by American Council on Education, Gates Foundation.
The framework incorporates common language of the seven accrediting bodies and CBE to measure student learning. Managed and funded by Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions.
Achieve’s Competency-Based Pathways Program supports states’ efforts to ensure all students graduate from high school ready for college and careers and is in the early stages of work to understand and make recommendations about the role of k-12 in addressing the “skills gap.” Achieve provides targeted policy and implementation support to a group of states committed to advancing K-12 competency-based pathways (CBP) to college and career readiness for all students….
Competency-Centric Analysis to Inform Planning –College for America is pioneering an effort to leverage labor market trends and workforce analytics to identify leading and cross-cutting competencies in an in-demand field. These trends are then validated with partner employers. This information is used to support the development of competency-based programs delivered on flexible learning platforms. These platforms are used to support talent pipelines for partner companies while providing pathways for the…
Launched in September 2016, Complete Tennessee is a nonprofit 501(c)3 education advocacy organization focused on increasing postsecondary access and completion in Tennessee. Complete Tennessee believes every Tennessean deserves the opportunity to earn a postsecondary degree or certificate that leads to increased economic mobility, community engagement and a better quality of life. Managed and funded by Complete Tennessee.
Nancy Zimpher Chancellor State University of New York System http://www.suny.edu/